FCR Media and Datashift in the spotlight

27 October 2021
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Our close collaboration with FCR Media is put in the spotlight! We teamed up with FCR Media in their journey to the cloud and are happy to share this article by KMOInsider.

We think in partnership modus and are very glad with the received trust and achieved results. Big steps were taken since we joined hands, FCR Media now the tools to report and analyse their data. An important step along the way was change management and stimulate collaboration between the existing teams within FCR Media. 

Now FCR Media has a daily company wide dashboard available and the possibility to analyze its efforts. Also with the click of their mouse, they can research customer details. We look forward to what the future has in store for FCR and Datashift. 

Read the full article in dutch here: https://www.kmoinsider.be/1/login/news/view/11250