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Is your data governance stuck in excel? It's time to upgrade!

Many organizations still rely on tools like Excel and SharePoint to manage their data governance needs. However, the complexities and volume of modern data requires a more robust, scalable and efficient solution.

Enter modern data governance tools.

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How to Leverage your Competitive Advantage in the Era of AI

An AI that is trained on your specific data cannot be copied by competitors and is a very strong way to set you apart. Let's have a look at how you can fine-tune your AI systems on your specific data.

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Geospatial Analytics: From Theory to Impact

Geospatial analytics might be one of the most fun areas you could work on as a data professional, and one of the most useful as an end user. What makes it so enjoyable and useful is that it is a direct representation of the outside world. A nice variation in a world of orders, sales, customers, products, … It may be for this reason that geospatial data is the oldest data source in the history of human civilization.

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Is my chatbot ready for production?

Large Language Model (LLM) applications are everywhere. From chatbots, to webscraping tools and even the usage of LLM's to automate administrative tasks completely. All of this cutting-edge technology, obviously, has the potential for enormous business impact. However, can we prove that our investments in this technology are driving value? When is the performance of these applications "good-enough"?

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Switch before it Hurts: Discover the wins of reporting in Power BI

Lots of companies have done great without really paying too much attention to their data and its underlying processes. They have grown over time without doing so. But there is a risk in missing the next wave. Discover how Power BI will ease the switch.

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Hive vs Iceberg Tables in AWS Athena

Choosing the Best Option for Your Data Pipelines with dbt

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How to get Generative AI working in your business

Unfortunately generative AI and Large Language Models are not an universal solution to all our problems. But how can you create impact with it in your business?

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From Data Resistant to Data Literate

Navigating the Transition with a Change Management strategy

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Power BI & Collibra: one step closer to heaven

As Microsoft released new APIs and Collibra has kept up with numerous new developments, the integration between Power BI and Collibra offers several new possibilities. Check out more details and download our guide with tricks and tips to facilitate this new integration.

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