Datashift Pioneering Employer 2021
30 November 2020

Datashift committed to embedding hybrid working* by signing the Charter Pioneering Employer 2021 (= ‘Charter Baanbrekende werkgever 2021’).
Since the outbreak of Corona in 2020, homework became the norm. Thanks to our previously well-developed homework policy, a smooth transition to permanent homework was made possible. Every consultant was able to work with the right tools from home. In 2019 we also renovated our office in Mechelen taking flexible working into account. But we want to do more!
In September, De Lijn, Antwerp Management School and Jobat together launched a call for organisations and companies to sign the Charter Pioneering Employer. This charter gives companies a framework and extra incentive to embed hybrid working and new mobility in a policy that focuses on the employee. Today already 127 companies signed the charter, including Datashift.
The charter also wants to be the start of a dialogue about hybrid working and a new mobility. A dialogue at different levels: between organizations, between organization and employee, between organization and trade union partners and between organizations and political stakeholders.
By signing this charter, Datashift committed to further anchoring human hybrid work in the organization and thus increasing the well-being of its employees.
*Hybrid working means the combination of working from home, working in the office or teleworking at a third location.