Datashift is "Collibra Customer Impact Partner of the Year"

18 June 2021
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We have absolutely amazing news to share! Datashift is the winner of the Collibra Customer Impact Partner of the Year award Data Citizens '21!

Every year the Collibra Excellence Awards are presented at their flagship conference, Data Citizens. These Awards celebrate teams and individuals who are helping their organizations unlock the value of data by collaborating with Collibra. This year Collibra elected five awards: Data Citizen of the Year, Data Program of the Year, Customer Impact Partner of the Year (a new award in 2021), Partner of the Year Award, and Collibra Ranger of the Year. Datashift is so delighted to be the winner of the 3rd category!

Needless to say, we cannot be more happy to be recognized for what is one of or main, if not top priority in everything we do: achieving impact. We would like to thank our fantastic team of Collibrians at Datashift, our absolutely great collaboration with Collibra and last but not least, our amazing customers! Two in a row Data Citizens ’22? Challenge accepted!

Read more about it here.