Datashift launches the second edition of the 'From Data to Impact talks'

31 August 2023
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This is a call for all data leaders and industry experts. 📣 Don't miss this opportunity to get more impact out of your data. Learn from and connect with other experts at our From Data to Impact talks. Discover their evolution & lessons learned in terms of getting real value out of data.

Our first speakers are already announced
Koen Put is managing director at Double Pass, a Belgian company that assesses, advises and educates (con)federations, leagues, clubs and individuals on optimising their talent development.
Ruben Verborgh is Professor Decentralized Web Technology at Ghent University - imec. He's also the Head of Data Interoperability at Inrupt, know for Solid, a specification that lets people store their data securely in decentralized data stores called Pods.

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