Datashift is "Collibra Customer Impact Partner of the Year"
We have absolutely amazing news to share! Datashift is the winner of the Collibra Customer Impact Partner of the Year award Data Citizens '21!
We have absolutely amazing news to share! Datashift is the winner of the Collibra Customer Impact Partner of the Year award Data Citizens '21!
In his recently published book ‘12 digital technologies that change the world’, journalist Filip Michiels illustrates how new technology impacts businesses. He asked our CEO Nico Huybrechts to share his insights on data driven business strategies and the impact big data has on these strategies.
The past 6 years we have managed to grow, even during one of the most turbulent and remarkable years. Therefore today, January 15th 2021, we celebrate not only our 6th birthday, and the start of 2021, but also the birth of a new tagline.