
Knaldrang bij Datashift: “We willen 50 procent groeien”

Adviesbureau Datashift wil het komende jaar 50 procent groeien. Dat maakte het bedrijf bekend tijdens het eigen ‘Get Back Together’-evenement. Om dat mogelijk te maken is de Mechelse dataspecialist op zoek naar meer dan dertig uiteenlopende profielen. Bovendien zijn er plannen voor satellietkantoren en staan er verschillende activiteiten op de agenda om ondernemerschap te stimuleren.

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Proud on this cooperation with Febiac and VBO. Perfect example of an end-to-end data-driven solution using cloud technology AWS.

Mobility is a crucial challenge for our society. It contributes to economic prosperity and also plays an essential role in the climate objectives. But do we have all the necessary tools to analyze our mobility? For example: How much does traffic congestion cost on an annual basis? Or which rail routes have the most delays? We helped to turn those questions into practical insights based on publicly accessible data sources from various mobility and (public) transport organizations.

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Hot off the press - How Datashift helped Essentiel become more data-driven

How we helped our client ESSENTIEL Antwerp evolve to a data driven organization, is something we like to show off. We have been collaborating with Essentiel since 2018 and it's been quite a journey. Operating on the same scale as Essentiel we could really grab their underlying needs and find a way to make an impact on the way they run their business. We helped developing a suiting Business Intelligence solution, but as well recommendations on business structure and creating a data culture.

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The 5 characteristics of purple people - and why Datashift loves to have them

In the technology sector, purple people are a much sought-after profile. They’re the kind of people who are the perfect blend of business knowledge and technical skills. At Datashift, we keep our eye out for this type of “purple people”. But even more so, we look for the other kind; the kind that is described in the children’s book ‘The World Needs More Purple People’ by Kristen Bell. These purple people have a set of specific characteristics that make them really valuable in every organization.

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